This article explains, How to create Windows Service in ASP.Net with C# to send mail on daily basis. So, we explain this step by step as following :
STEP 1 :
Create Windows Service Proejct in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and give project name as "WindowsServiceProject1".
STEP 2 :
Now update your App.Config file as follow :
<add key="StartTime" value="03:50 PM "/>
<add key="callDuration" value="2"/>
<add key="CallType" value="1"/>
<add key="FromMail" value=""/>
<add key="Password" value="your_email_id_password"/>
<add key="Host" value=""/>
<smtp from="">
<network host="" userName="" password="your_email_id_password" enableSsl="true" port="587" />
In this configuration settings, we use gmail email id to send mail, so for that we use as host and Port number 587.